Pack 500 mL
Description Composition
Each 10 mL Contains
Ashwagandharishta 10%
Arjunarishtal 10%
Dashmoolarishta 10%
Draksharishta 30%
Punernavarishta 20%
Chandanasav 10%
Sarivadyasav 10%
Adult: 10 to 20 ml 2 our 3 times a day
Childern 5 to 10 ml 2 times a day
Or As Directed by physician
An Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine Best Liver Tonic + Digestive Enzyme Arishta A useful for digestive disorders, peptic Ulcer, Loss of appetite (Anorexia), Gas Hyperacidity and in all types of dyspepsia. Its best antacid Medicines control diet problem, joint pain good health
tonic physical and mental instability.

Lavanya Sapta Arishta
MRP : ₹300.00